Saturday, 19 May 2018

Yajuj AND Majuj BOTH Serve Dajjal!

(An Eschatological warning against Dajjal's deception!)              

(Published on Youtube on: 24 March 2017)

Allah (Subhaana huwa Ta'Ala) did NOT order Muslims to choose EITHER Yajuj OR Majuj! Because their Fasaad spares none (not even their own kind)!

The Human Melody [tabla-featured] Soundtrack titled "Templars Hijacked Saladin's Knights" employed: 'Tim Conrardy's Cygnus' (both the Free VST and SF versions), and 'DSK Indian Dreams' (Free VST).

Video Footage Sources/ Credits:

The Channel "IN THE NOW":
The British Empire was an evil genocidal institution. Fact.

Irish nuns suspected of starving 100s of children to death and dumping their bodies in a sewage tank

Israel has established an 'apartheid regime' on Palestine - UN report

‘I was raped 1,716 hours before I was 12 years old”


Pulp FIction (1994) Best scene - Samuel Jackson

Tryin Real Hard To Be The Shepherd 


(And where are all the footage for all the Westminster pedophilia/ child abuse/ child torture ... which is a perennial tradition of Yajuj Majuj?)

(At the Vatican, which is the throne of Rajeem Iblees/ Lucifer --- you can see some satanic/ luciferian [pseudo] Christ rising from the crater of a nuclear bomb?!)

(Above, is an approximate illustration of Mark Mathew Luke John, and the Fake Muhaddith!)




brother your work is insightful,so much passion,Mashallah,how are you doing?i know they mess with comments,they even cut the networks even power sometimes.its weird.we try to hget out of illusions others come to throw us back in by force or temptations.
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Human Melody 
JazakAllah Khairan, for your appreciation and encouragement, my brother. For every day of my life-test (for both the blessings and the trials), I say Al-Hamdulillahi Rabbil Aalameen, who created and gave me the light of Love to carry on ahead, towards Him. You are most correct, as always. YT is a mere contemporary arm of the same Secret Society (master-race wannabes) that's killing humanity, Faith, Islam, Truth and Mu'minun for centuries! I've noticed by now how they delete almost all positive supportive comments from my channel (that's why you'll see so very few brothers like you that I can interact with, as we brothers ought to, by Allah)! Further, I'm sure YOU are one of the ONLY people on earth who will understand why this channel is suppressed, and [especially WHY] the video-views on my channel are stolen/kept down --- down to mysteriously occult numbers that indicate how these occultists are doing rituals to stop the Truth from spreading out there! (Also, there were times when the demonic "intel" deleted my audio files from my music software/program WHILE I was composing it! (Please see this video and its 'descriptions' section ) ... We continue, nonetheless, for Allah SWT Alone. By Allah, after Ramadan is over, we will have a lot more to share and discuss, brother. Kind Regards and Salaam.
brother they have directed energy weapons in the church which is next t my house,the so called somali muslims bros are kafirs.
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Human Melody 
Salaam brother. Isn't the condition of the Ummah clear from the very fact that so few Muslims even understand (leave alone stand-up-and-talk about) the critical issues/ warfare (against genuine Muslims) that you are mentioning as well as fighting in your life for so long, Ma Sha Allah?! Such kinds of Muslims (that you mentioned) are everywhere, in all countries, not just one. And as always (and with everything on my channel), I say this (just like you) from direct experience and betrayals!
Human Melody 
Shak Also, please this video as a glimpse of what pagan/occult fake "christianity" (which was concocted by Babylonian fake "Jews" since after the temporary departure of Eisa (a.s.), and which killed the original/True Christians) is all about ... and what SATANIC/Luciferian multi-millennial venom they have against Ibrahim (a.s.), against the progeny of Isma'eel (a.s.), against Islam, (and against "coloured" people overall) (You may want to watch that whole TV series called 'Supernatural' on Netflix. Based on your real experiences, you will realize how these devils [in Dajjal's upside-down-world today] pass fact as fiction/ entertainment, and present lies/half-truths/fiction as reality in the mainstream and alternative media everywhere! Most people on earth cannot be saved because they are voluntarily deceived, scared and asleep!) Shaheed Gaddafi (Rahimahullah) tried his best to warn, wake up and protect the Africans from this evil (so it's clear to see WHO ALL killed him)! Yes, unfortunately, a lot of Black people have been forced to forget their own glorious history and past! (And you could generally say the same about ALL coloured people in the world after the nasty, racist and barbaric Pax Britannia that aimed to RUIN human nature by making ALL non-whites "low-self-esteem, subservient Mushriks worshipping Luciferian whiteness")! Please study (and share) this great and rare resource about the TRUTH that NO ONE can handle or will acknowledge: I have a feeling that you have been targeted by some of these devils (in some aspects of your persecution)! But ALLAH SWT Prevails, and HE sustains His sincere men (till the most beautiful and victorious End)! Allahu Akbar! :-)

gog and maggog itu perusak zionis CIA AMERIKA AND FREEMASON AND ILLUMINATI..

Long time brother. I have had terrible chronic bronchitis and have been bed ridden for a week. I have now caught up with all your not pray for me as I deserve to be punished for ignoring the truth and not acting in accordance with it. I consider this illness a form of purification from sin and a life lesson given by Allah set!
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Human Melody 
Yes, it's been a while, and it's always good to hear from you, Saj. I am genuinely concerned to hear what you said [and my prayers would be, as always, spontaneous, since that's up to Allah (SWT) and what He commands the soul to do]. I am genuinely honoured by your appreciation of my humble work, as always. Regarding what you said about 'punishment' --- while Fitnah/ Trials sure do purify the Faithful/ heedful soul, they may not be punishments as such. And if/when you choose the higher path of self-rebuke, I support you even then, since Hope and Fear are both necessary wings of Imaan, wherein these End Times require more fear than hope for the right balance [as I have always tried to maintain myself]. Be well soon, brother.

((((((( DAJJAL and Yajuj-Majuj's (typically concurrent) Deception! ))))))) Netanyahu wants to kick-out the UN (viz. the WHOLE WORLD) from the Jerusalem he invades and kills till date! Putin wants the WHOLE WORLD to unite and combat terrorism/ Neo-Nazi Supremacy! (HOWEVER, PUTIN SEES NOTHING WRONG WITH JUDEO-TALMUDIC-JAPHETIC-NOAHIDE "CHOSENITE" SUPREMACY! Or is he just keeping the false "Jew-vs-Nazi" Hegelian dialectic alive for both the "Japhethic-Jew -- Japhethic-Christian" TAG TEAMS?!) ?!) Anti-Semitic incidents on the rise in Canada, says advocacy group B'nai Brith! (So curiously timed with Putin's speech!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (And to think Canada/US/West feign being an enemy to Putin!) Wicked Bnai Brith calls black as white and white as black! "SEMITES" are what the European/Japhetic pseudo-Jews have been killing off for decades, e.g. in Palestine and the Middle East! What kind of stupid/ ignorant people still believe these lies?!) Catholics Unveiled Masonic Jewish Plot in 1936, from Bnai Brith Paris! In Vienna in 1903, Solomon Ehrmann told a B'nai Brith (i.e. Freemason) meeting that the future was going to be fundamentally Jewish. "All of mankind will have been Jewified and joined in unison with the B'nai Brith!" B’nai B’rith’s British And Freemasonic Connections! Mike Cernovich in cahoots with Chabadnik Zionist Alan Dershowitz to coverup Epstein-Mossad pedophile ring. (Scapegoating distraction from the real Japhethic pedo-criminals : ====================================================================================== AFTER ADDING UP A-L-L OF THE ABOVE ... IF ANY ONE STILL BELIEVES IN THE FALSE DIALECTICS BETWEEN FALSE (viz., Japhethic/White/Master-Race) "JEWS" VERSUS FALSE (viz., Japhethic/White/Master-Race) "CHRISTIANS" BULLSHIT (no matter how masonic presstitutes and trolls skew/obscure the whole Truth) ... OR IF ANYONE STILL DOESN'T RECOGNIZE HOW ALL SO-CALLED LEADERS ON EARTH ARE MASONIC PUPPETS/PROSTITUTES OF THE SAME "PAX-BRITANNIA->AMERICANA->JUDAICA" CONTINUUM FROM DAJJAL'S LONDON ... THEN THEY ARE STUPID/WICKED/BLIND TO SUCH A PATHETIC EXTENT THAT THEIR DEPOPULATION AT THE HANDS OF LUCIFERIAN-JUDEO-MASONS (SOON) IS ALREADY (VOLUNTARILY) CONFIRMED! (FOR ONE LAST TIME: CENTURIES AGO, "YAJUJ MAJUJ HAD SPLIT INTO TOO MANY DECEIVING GROUPS/ I.D.s THAT FEIGN CONSTANT CONFLICT TO DUPE EVERYONE TO HELL!)


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