Yajuj AND Majuj BOTH Serve Dajjal!
(An Eschatological warning against Dajjal's deception!)
(Published on Youtube on: 24 March 2017)
Allah (Subhaana huwa Ta'Ala) did NOT order Muslims to choose EITHER Yajuj OR Majuj! Because their Fasaad spares none (not even their own kind)!
The Human Melody [tabla-featured] Soundtrack titled "Templars Hijacked Saladin's Knights" employed: 'Tim Conrardy's Cygnus' (both the Free VST and SF versions), and 'DSK Indian Dreams' (Free VST).
Video Footage Sources/ Credits:
The Channel "IN THE NOW":
The Human Melody [tabla-featured] Soundtrack titled "Templars Hijacked Saladin's Knights" employed: 'Tim Conrardy's Cygnus' (both the Free VST and SF versions), and 'DSK Indian Dreams' (Free VST).
Video Footage Sources/ Credits:
The Channel "IN THE NOW":
The British Empire was an evil genocidal institution. Fact.
Irish nuns suspected of starving 100s of children to death and dumping their bodies in a sewage tank
Israel has established an 'apartheid regime' on Palestine - UN report
‘I was raped 1,716 hours before I was 12 years old”
Pulp FIction (1994) Best scene - Samuel Jackson
Tryin Real Hard To Be The Shepherd
(And where are all the footage for all the Westminster pedophilia/ child abuse/ child torture ... which is a perennial tradition of Yajuj Majuj?)
(At the Vatican, which is the throne of Rajeem Iblees/ Lucifer --- you can see some satanic/ luciferian [pseudo] Christ rising from the crater of a nuclear bomb?!)
(Above, is an approximate illustration of Mark Mathew Luke John, and the Fake Muhaddith!)