Saturday 5 May 2018

Confusion of Land! - (A worldwide/ multicultural rejection of the Luciferian Transpocalypse!)              

(Published on Youtube on: 4 December 2017)

In Dajjal’s [deliberately engineered] “out-of-the-frying-pan-into-the-fire” world of controlled/ forced/ staged [sham] saviourship, options and choices (?!) --- nothing is what it seems, and Truth can hardly be found [in its entirety] anywhere at all! 

WARNING:  Some very disturbing imagery/ subject matter (which are forever trying to normalize themselves in this End Times’ Luciferian/ Satanic/ Suicidal world out there, from the top of the sordid pyramid!) contained in this exposition!

“We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy.”

― Chris Hedges

[The featured music was made with samples of: Roland R-70, JD-990, JV-2080, XP-80; and Sytrus VST, and FreeAmp SE.]

For further/ related review:

(Video Footage Source:) “The Real Reason for the Sex Scandals in the Fake News” 

(“Spitting Image” Collage Source:) “GENESIS - Land of Confusion (1986)” 

“Judge Judy and the Supremes” 

“BREAKING NEWS! Istanbullshit Terror Attack's Original Audio Found!” 

“Daily Rabbit Hole #43 | Time Traveling particles | QAnon | Furhat Robot”

“Donald Trump, 9 11, CASE CLOSED (remastered)“


“They Don't Even Hide it Anymore - Admitting Insanity, Displaying Creepiness” 
“EVERY Cop in This Town - BUSTED! All Ticket-Writing Privileges REVOKED!” 

“Are We Losing Our Will To Empathize? + Testimony from the Prince of Darkness” 

“Flynn's Plea Smacks Of Israelgate” 
“Why Judaism Is Bankrupt” 

“Drag Queens/Divas & Narcissism!!!” 
“Narcissism and the Ushering of the Antichrist” 

“END-TIMES PROGRAMMING: MK-ULTRA ANTI-CHRIST "Call Back" Programming/"Black Awakening"“ 

“The Tranny Monarch Symbol by vicki S” 

“Vatican Hosts Population Control Conference On “Climate Change” — OPERATION DEPOPULATION!” 



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Comments and Links:

YAJUJ MAJUJ's Civilization/ Media/ System is 99.9% ALL FAKE & HEGELIAN! tango157 March 2018 at 05:29 So a convicted Russian spy (albeit a double-agent) is brought to Britain and allowed to settle within 10 miles of two of Britain's most secret sites. Boscombe Down, a military aircraft testing site and Porton Down, the site of the Ministry of Defence Science and Technology Laboratory - really? I am reliably informed that a lot of Russian-speakers live in the area. Would a British double-agent be allowed to live near Seversk, I wonder? Replies phyllis669 March 2018 at 21:13 I believe your information is highly logical on the sinister side of the spy business! I might add how many Russian spies are Jewish? They are the prime agents to work for both sides to enrich themselves handsomely. Their loyalty is never to any country unless it is Israel. Brabantian11 March 2018 at 11:45 We are seeing more and more indicators that the 'East - West' opposition is fake ... so no wonder Russians are living near UK military & security installations One of the biggest 'pro-Russian, pro-Putin' writers in English, 'The Saker' - real name Andrei Raevsky - claiming to be a 'retired' intel agent - lives in USA Florida near the USA military bases & ((((((( CIA-Wikipedia ))))))) headquarters ... they never bother him there, strangely enough Vladimir Putin announced his new wonder weapons using a cartoon sequence that dates from 2007 And the USA military complex all immediately raised their voice for more money ... perhaps to be shared with Putin ? It seems the old game described by UK economist and early truther Antony Sutton (1925-2002), 'The Best Enemy Money Can Buy' Brabantian11 March 2018 at 11:47 Global elites overwhelmingly still prefer the UK, Russians included Interesting piece by Russian-American (also part-Jewish heritage) Anatoly Karlin, with charts of the world's elites In the world are about 130,000 people with assets more than US $50 million ... these are the Ultra-High Net Worth Individuals UHNWI See the striking 3rd chart on this article ... where these people like to buy property ... it is UK UK UK, for Russians as well Seems to confirm what many have long said, it all coalesces in the ((((((( City of London ))))))) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, there! The Faker, Fake Imran Hosein, Fakin' Barrett, Fakin' Soral, The C.I.A./ Sh.I.A. (!), global "Jassassa" (EVERY country, led by SIS/ MI-x, CIA, Mossad, KGB/ FSB, ASIS, CSIS, ISIS, etc. etc.), Jew-Tube/ CIA-Tube, Jewkipedia, Jewtican/ Vatican, Talmudo-Kabbalo-Nazi-FrAnglo-Swissrael ... etc etc. ... ... they're A-L-L in this deception together! E.g.,

JON JONES – The destitute son Tom Jones refuses to acknowledge Sir Tom Jones Flees US As Child Rape Charge Moves Forward Belief in witchcraft and demonic possession linked to 1,500 child abuse cases Watch – BBC 2 Documentary – THE SECRETS OF THE MASONS How many Ex Prime Ministers is that now? I know of *SIX #UKPaedoPMs* 15 cases of sexual assault or attempted assault committed by former president BILL CLINTON ALWAYS KNEW MARGARET THATCHER WAS A FUCKING BITCH Scotland’s Top Cop to be sued for £2m over ‘unlawful killing’ of Sheku Throw away the key Working with traumatic memory. Britain’s ‘worst ever’ child grooming scandal exposed: Hundreds of young girls raped, beaten, sold for sex and some even KILLED MI5 agents commit crimes in UK ‘We must act before another child is killed’: Warning over abuse linked to witchcraft and possession beliefs in UK WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE? THE CASTE SYSTEM - WORLDWIDE

Trump Makes Israel Great Again - #NewWorldNextWeek Ngone Aw America was created as a genocidal state by it's own actions, remember? Literally Hitler Israel is not an ally. Still have yet to get one example of how they are. Fyi, fuck Zionist Christians. Worshipping the people who killed your "savior" and were expelled from 109 countries for kidnapping and sacrificing your children in ritual child murder. OurGreedyCorruptGovt Trump is a big fan of Israel and a wonderful traitor to the American People: John Mccart The old windbag is just sucking Israeli dick. Traitor to the core is the lying Trumpeteer. . Americas shame, recognising & supporting a genocidal state, and youtube nazi tactics to silence folks sharing truthful information while pretending to stop paedophile channels! TheGlassasylum Just a note, Jews do not accept Jesus as their Messiah, in fact, recording with in our Holy Bible, it was the Jews who told the Pilot to crucify Jesus ! Rion Clark No spine just a colon? emeritus slave Can’t stand James Jew pilato whatever he’s called Michigan Chems This is all about political Zionism and has nothing to do with indigenous rights to the land. You really need to look into who the "jews" are. Those people are not the Jews of the Bible, they are not the indigenous people, they are of eastern european and other origin. There are Jews who are against the occupation of Israel because their religion actually says that they must be scattered and not have a physical homeland. Christians who believe the Jews in Israel are the result of Bible prophecy are influenced by the Scofield study bible's errors. God scattered the Jews for the last time when he allowed Jerusalem to be destroyed by the Roman army in about AD 70. Jesus talks about it in Matthew 24 when he's describing that the generation he is speaking to will witness the temple and Jerusalem being destroyed. Just Human Last time I checked there is about 350 million guns in the hands of ordinary people within the US.. So what is keeping them from taking their corrupt warmongering government out of power and stop them destroying the world.. A: No guts B: No brains C: None of the above.... . (((((( The Dumbing Down of America – By Design )))))) Brzezinski envisioned: “The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.” The UN Department of Public Information has hit a new low [simultaneously with Wojcicki aka WomanJesusChristIcki??!!]
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Human Melody 
Portugal's radical drugs policy is working. Why hasn't the rest of the world copied it? Rowan Cocoan [commented]: Why? Because here in the US we have bureaucratic and business merging into the next big thing which is the extension of the Military Industrial Complex that Ike warned about. I've called it the "Malum Prohibitum" Law Creation, Prosecution, punishment and Governmental Control over Individuals without good cause Complex, (something more catchy's gotta be out there.) A/k/a, there's too much money to be made by the CIA in selling it and the private prisons and militarized police departments getting free cars, free machine guns, and a license to kill. Ever since I was about 13, I was telling everyone exactly where this 'war on drugs' was going. Folks would always say - and many who should or do know better still say - "Oh, that's just the way the pendulum shifts' and it will swing back." That won't help all the folks doing minimum mandatory terms of life for pot possession, nor will it help those killed or assaulted by the early released criminals who commit 'malum per se' crimes, like theft, rape, kidnapping, assault, murder. So they, who've proved they're quite sociopathic enough to hurt others are set free, only so as to make room to lock up folks because they 'might' become 'addicted' to pot, which might cause them to go to heroin or cocaine, which then 'might' change their personality to become a sociopathic killer/robber. (No evidence exists for that. By the way: look up the biggest medical study ever. It was conducted by the UN to determine, when the crack epidemic was underway, and they cherry picked the most conservative doctors et al they could...And the group unanimously concluded that the criminalization of drugs was the problem, not the drugs. The US then seized and destroyed all copies of that study, and went ahead with 'our' war on crack. But fortunately, one of those doctors DID save a copy, and as he was dying, he released it. (It didn't make the NYT front page..duh, but it's out there and available. Of course there's no proof of that, but Government Bureaucracies have never let something like that prevent them from expanding and expanding. (Think of all the laws passed as 'emergency and 'temporary' measures with express sunset clauses.' Worst example: PatrioSh*t Act always renewed - as I forecast from day one.) What happens is if you've passed the point of no return on a swing going left and right (up and down) as the whole swingset continues to slide farther down the slippery slope to the point that, hmm., America 'claims! to be the 'indispensable nation and definer of morals, and yet has the highest percentage of criminals and more folks in jail than anywhere else. All these folks who have bought into the lie that it's OK to outlaw some drugs, have always been idiots. It's called 'Mission Creep' but bureacracies, and corporations take on lives of their own and they want to grow and expand. Portugal just jumped in at the right time - well, actually the last minute they still could have, and look what it's done. Don't expect that in America, where 75% of the populace believes pot should be legalized or decriminalized or medical or whatever, and very few of them realize that it should not have ever been their choice in the first place! If someone wants to shoot up drano, that's his problem! Don't make me pay for it. That's what charities, e..g. poor houses, alms houses, et al which have existed for over two hundred years.. are for. (And I'm not talking about 'tax deductible' charities' (sic). The best book on all this is 'Drug Warriors and Their Prey' by Miller (~1997?). His prior work was on the holocaust and he there discussed some seminal (1950's?) analytical work by Professor John Doe (I forget the name) about the way Germany's 'holocaust'/loss of life, individual freedom, grew, etc.: ('identification,' segregation, restriction, etc. through extermination.) Miller's next book was DWATP in which Miller described that he was witnessing, here in America those exact same created 'status'/'malum prohibitum' crimes being created so as to create an internal enemy class, and how it was following, exactly, those same steps from identification through extermination... And like anyone who looked at 'our' drug war objectively, he accurately showed how it would be the crack the caused the dike that protected our individual freedoms found, e.g., in the Bill of Rights, to be lost, which is what has happened. (E.g., tell me that sentencing someone to life for using pot is not a 'cruel' and unusual' nor an 'excessive' punishment; tell me that seizing someone's life savings and house, or boat, because a passenger/renter - unknown to the owner - simply possessed a joint; tell me that's not an "excessive fine." Of course those things are as I've said, but there are no rulings supporting that part of the BOR. Don't expect any, anytime soon. And our path to no privacy, no 'right to be let alone', and a government that expressly desires to absolutely get rid of any type of anonymity! is exactly what it appears and we've, since 9/11 quickly bypassed the point where more than 50% of our rights guaranteed by the constitution and Common Law have been eradicated without the constitution being changed! Another point from when I was 13: If it took an amendment to the constitution to outlaw alcohol (prohibition) where does our government get off claiming the right to outlaw any other drug without such an amendment? It gets off at a place called a fascist dictatorship prettied up by the PTB's MSM. So now, we're well down the slope? nay we hit point of no return, and slid off the mountain cliff, and are free falling on the vertical aerial path towards the base of granit rocks and granite prisons; no individual freedom, no privacy, 24/7/365 recording of all electronic transactions and all telephone calls has been going on nonstop and illegally since 3/1/2001, (over six months before 9/11/01) and Americans have learned to live with it. Why? Because they actually believe that the government does have the right to arrest people for growing a plant, and to kill them in the process. If Amerikants were AmeriCans, every non violent possession OR distribution case would be an acquittal, but the idiot AmeriKants buy into the concept that 'it's OK to outlaw morphine, cocaine, codeine, whatever." And they've never even tried any of them, either! And yet all those drugs were legal 110 years ago and America had overall been doing better than ever: No Fed. Reserve scam, real and enforced laws against monopolies, etc.) and this continued right on up until the Fed's creation in 1913, when the incrementalism began and has accelerated ever since - just as I predicted it would at age 13. (But even pessimistic me never thought it would get as bad as it is and that Americans! would stand for it... no, would bend over for it, and would rather live on their knees, unfree, and giving blowjobs to the PTB. Sad. R.C.
Human Melody 
Colleges Hiring ‘LGBTQ Administrators’ In Dramatic Numbers An economics professor at Michigan State University discovered $21 trillion missing in the federal budget going back to 1998 “The Terrorists-R-US”: Mainstream Media Propaganda Fuels and Fans the Flames of War Hitler the jew and the faked world war II Evidence: Russia Cannot Be Trusted & Putin Is Not A Hero Clinton Uranium One deal exposes Russia media narrative Ever Consider... Queen Elizabeth might be A MAN??
Human Melody 
Former Facebook executive criticizes social network for “destroying how society works” NO STATISTICS FOR INNER POVERTY!!! How's Your Inner Beggar? Sean Parker unloads on Facebook "exploiting" human psychology Was Jesus UGLY? The "Jewish" Conspiracy is Western Imperialism The Ugly American Justice for all in the land of the free? The US as the global capital of mass incarceration Child predator, 32, gets life in prison after father of girl, 9, living 700 miles away checked her phone and found he was sending her sexually-explicit texts and asking the girl to send nudes Child rape claim reveals dark secrets of California televangelist family Trinity Broadcasting must pay full $2-million verdict in molestation scandal, judge rules CIA'S EVANGELICALS - SAME AS CIA'S ISIS Drug-trafficking, Sodomy, Scams/Frauds, Pedophilia/ Child-Abuse & all possible UNSPEAKABLE Crimes --- of Skull & Bones, Vatican, CIA, Nazis, Jews, Mafia, Crown Masonry and other Faggoty Gangs of Yajuj Majuj! Haiti Oligarchy: The Arab, Syrian and Jewish Mafia What Powers Does the Queen of England ACTUALLY Have? B K [commented]: "All this is just theory. Her real power is immortality.!" (Because she is the primary meat-suit for lawless Lucifer herself/ itself!) CRIMINAL ACTIVITY THAT CANNOT BE INVESTIGATED IN A BRITISH CROWN DEPENDENCY THAT IS A LAWLESS ISLAND!!! ROYALS LINKED TO PEDO RING Prince Philip: Is this the sickest man in the UK? Queen Elizabeth II is getting a 78% raise from the government petit juif The "Jewish" Conspiracy is British Imperialism Judaism: Satanism, Sorcery & Black Magic Liberal Jews, Sex & The New Satanic Order Even Jews Ask: IS JUDAISM A SATANIC CULT? The Jewish [AND "White" -Christian] Messiah is the Antichrist (i.e. Satan) How ugly was Jesus? Jesus was not beautiful "He (Jesus) had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not." (Isaiah 53) Ugly On the Outside What Has Happened To Women In The West Why Women And Western Civilization Fall/ FAIL!!! "What’s most unreal about the West’s woman problems is men who defend Western harlots!" "It is very difficult to find a truly feminine Western woman, and thus if you are a masculine man [and not some borderline homosexual], the only real option is to go abroad. Foreign women obviously haven’t been raised in the feminist Western countries like the USA, Canada, the UK, or Australia (these four countries are the satanic axis of evil of feminism). Any Western man who has ever experienced a foreign woman knows this truth. Once you’ve tasted a superior product, it’s very hard to go back to a vastly inferior product!" "But there is an important point to be made when comparing and contrasting American vs. foreign women. AWALT still applies – All Women Are Like That. All women have wild and base sexual instincts, and it’s true that foreign women are just as bad as Western women (and their substandard companionship) IF their behavior isn’t modified by the culture they’re in." "You ladies can go be “big strong independent” all you want. An ever growing number of Western men don’t give a damn anymore. They could care less what you do. After all, we have options. You do not. We can go to foreign countries and find good feminine women. You can also go to foreign countries, but the men there will simply see you as a whore and use you as such. I’ve traveled to many countries in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and East Asia, and I’ve talked to many foreign men about how feminism has ruined Western women. And guess what? 90 percent of the men agreed with me and told me they feel the same way, that Western women have no benefit besides the sexual. The only option Western women have anymore is to just get pumped and dumped by alpha Western men and alpha foreign men. What a pity. In the end, one thing is certain, and that is that this modern society simply cannot keep going on the way it has been. People can either voluntarily decide to change and or else people will be forced to change as society collapses. And unfortunately, it seems that the latter is inevitable, as the majority of people are simply too brainwashed and ignorant and refuse to change. That is fine, change is coming either way, and because people refuse to voluntarily change, a very painful process of change in the form of societal collapse has already begun. You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality." THE SATANIC ZIONIST ANTI-CHRISTIANITY PROGRAM. CHRISTIAN ZIONISTS SERVE SATAN Trump & The Masonic Jewish Tag Team Trump's [Husband/ Rapist/ Handler] Roy Cohn! WHY IS WESTERN SOCIETY TOXIC? Ten Signs Western Society is a SATANIC CULT!!! Illuminati3: Satanic Possession: There is only one Conspiracy!!! 4 Plain Proofs America is BABYLON + 6 Objections Answered (Ought to be discussed as an EMERGENCY by everyone in confused and wicked lands)!!!

Regarding Sridevi's (viz., Shree Amma's) Demise: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What Is The Truth Behind Sridevi's Death SRIDEVI'S SACRIFICIAL DROWNING & THE WHITNEY HOUSTON SYNCHRONICITY ((((((( (Discerning minds already know the undeniable evidence in Extra Capsa's expositions and work. Therein, they already know how virtually all celebrity "blood sacrifices" are done by the "Babylo-Lucy-Kabbalo-Vatico-Jesuit-Judeo-Nazi-Franko-Sabbato-Martinist-SwissTemplaro-GermanoSlavoTurko-Zionist" Freemasonic Secret Society of [so called] Royals, and the Queen/ "Crown"/ DAJJAL!) ))))))) Royal Dinner Party for Catherine (Duchess of Cambridge) & Prince William (((((((((( (Sridevi's brother in law seen at, e.g., 24:11 therein ... Shalom Bollywood's mafia, of course, were all there)! )))))))))) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CIA-MOSSAD CONTROL OF INDIA; WHISTLEBLOWER NATWAR SINGH MOSSAD IN INDIA INDIA, INFILTRATED BY CIA AND MOSSAD, UNLIKELY TO CATCH REAL 'TERRORISTS'? India, Pakistan and Mossad CIA AND MOSSAD IN PUNE? ISRAELIS, DRUGS AND TERROR IN GOA FREDDY PEATS IN GOA; CIA AND MOSSAD KIDS, JUDGE, CHURCH, TORIES, GOA, HAMPSTEAD... HAMPSTEAD AND GOA CIA LIES SWALLOWED BY INDIAN MEDIA Bollywood and the Underworld and the Indian Mafia SHALOM BOLLYWOOD, ILLUMINATI, SECRET SOCIETY/ MAFIA/ ROYALS and the 'JEWS & NAZIS' (Yajuj Majuj)! Mossad increases its control of India CIA AND MOSSAD HIT INDIA? THE CIA AND MOSSAD IN BANGLADESH MOSSAD IN SYRIA, USA, INDIA, SWITZERLAND... BREIVIK LINK TO CIA-MOSSAD IN INDIA? Attack on cricketers in Pakistan; MI6, CIA, Mossad MI6 AND THE DUBAI ASSASSINATION ANJEM CHOUDARY, ISIS, MI5, SIDDHARTHA DHAR ... PRINCE ANDREW, MISSING BOY, CIA, MOSSAD, MI6 BBC - RUN BY MI6 AND ITS FRIENDS Justin Trudeau's 'Bollywood' wardrobe amuses Indians (BBC) 'KGB moles infiltrated Indira's PMO' Did the KGB or CIA ever infiltrate the Indian government? THE KGB IN INDIA: A RECRUITMENT ACCOUNT Book on KGB unveils Russian agency's ops in India during Cold War, political storm ensues (... contd. ...)
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Human Melody 
THE MYTH OF INDIA's INDEPENDENCE IRANIAN PEOPLES of INDIA lluminati exposed: Race 2 & Bollywood Illuminati The most famous Bollywood Artists with Persian Descent In the Wake of Harvey Weinstein, Bollywood Stars Are Speaking Out About Sexual Harassment Freemasons in India on CNN-IBN Nehru, Vivekananda, Tata were also Freemasons FREEMASONRY COMES TO INDIA Freemasonry in British India 1728-1888 Conspiracy Of Nehru, Jinnah & Lady Mountbatten A glimpse into Masonic secrets on stage SOME VERY WELL KNOWN INDIAN FREEMASONS Freemasons open chamber of secrets WAS MUHAMMAD ALI JINNAH A FREEMASON? "Annie Besant was world-renowned Theosophist and the founder of Co-Freemasonry, an irregular branch of Masonry which included participation of women equally with men in all the rituals and rites that the Order possessed. Annie Besant was herself influenced by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the "Black Woman" (black in the sense of character) who wrote the esoteric voluminous works such as "Isis Unveiled" and "The Secret Doctrine". ... Quaid (Khoja Ismaili/ Aga Khani by birth!), being a man of great knowledge and repute as we do consider him to be, must have known about the gathering in which he was. But it is notable to mention here that he soon parted ways with Besant, some years after she had formed the Home Rule League in India, an exact subcontinental replica of the Irish Home League which she also very repeatedly supported. ... Did the Quaid not know what sort of woman Annie Besant was? Probably he realised this later and hence, as mentioned earlier, parted ways with her." Freemasons in Karachi: A lodge called hope clings to history as saviour ((((((( Remember, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui was abducted from Karachi, by CIA-Mossad! ))))))) Top 10 Most Famous Freemasons in the World 11 Celebrities Who Died Under Mysterious Circumstances!!! Accident, Suicide or Murder? The mysterious deaths in Bollywood! Parveen Babi was 1st Indian film star on TIME magazine cover! ((((((( Remember: TIME magazine serves, in part, as an occult mouthpiece of Lucifer, frequently "predicting" what crimes will be perpetrated as Lucy's "self-fulfilling [pseudo-]prophecies"! ... It was clear when the name "Elizabeth" was behind Gaddafi on the cover, e.g.! ... And when featuring Parveen Babi, the backdrop predicted "Frenetic", which is how Parveen ended up many years later, before her blood-sacrifice of a death! ))))))) Parveen Babi Was Murdered !! When Parveen Babi accused Amitabh Bachchan of attempting to murder her!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUBLIC DISCUSSION of Freemasonry must be an ((( OPEN ))) one – ON ALL SIDES!

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