Friday 13 July 2018

Documentary - Part 9  

Truth VS. Yajuj-Majuj's Suicidal LIES!

Dajjal: the FAKE/ Inverted Messiah!

Part 9 of [the] Documentary (A/V Book) attempt to retrieve Heavenly Truth from Dajjal's & Yajuj-Majuj's multi-millennia & multi-century cesspit of Infernal Myths/ Lies/ Vanity/ Fantasy! (This draft version will have further chapters [or a full version] in the future.) To recognize and defeat Darkness (viz., Luciferian 'light', as it's called in Yajuj-Majuj's/ Dajjal's inverted world!) ... the Soul must have first have/ uphold Noor from/ of the Qur'an and [both] its [Most Blessed] Giver/ Creator (Subhaanahu wa Ta'Ala) and Bringer/ Communicator/ Explainer/ Implementer/ Embodiment (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam). To recognize the False Messiah Dajjal, one has to first understand the correct definition of what IS a Messiah [as defined/ explained/ illustrated by Allah Subhaana huwa Ta’Ala Himself, in the Qur’an]! Only then can one substantially hope to save themselves and their families [in Faith] from Yajuj Majuj’s [and Jassassa’s] Fasaad/ Fitnah [which is peaking/ culminating as Dajjal’s historically unprecedented Fasaad/ Fitnah]! This episode/ chapter would easily awaken/ assure the genuine and the discerning as to how virtually everything out there in Dajjal's fake world --- including the narratives of those who appear to speak against Dajjal, or defend good Jews, etc.! --- is erroneous, poorly researched, disinfo, half-baked … or even utterly deceptive bullshit! Throughout the history of mankind, all opposition to Anbiyah, Mursaleen [Saleheen, Awliyah-Allah, An’amta Alayhim] … such as the vile Nimrod, Babylonians, Pedos & Sodomites, Pharaoh, SAMIRI, Pharisees, Roman pagans, Qawm-e-Jahiliyyah, Musaylima, etc. … have ALL historically sung the bait of “Money for Nothing and Chicks for Free!” --- not as a critique but as a temptation --- and presented it as the “forbidden fruit of Eden” to the heedless/ shallow/ depraved majority of the time, to dupe/ entice/ confirm them for Eternal Hellfire! … And in today’s End Times’, with the 99.99% following Yajuj-Majuj’s every “Way”/ norm/ rule/ leader/ preacher/ teacher/ false-saviour … expectedly, [Duh!], the tragic outcome awaiting humanity will be as historically unprecedented as Dajjal’s Fitnah! This video exposition, here, is only another chapter of my ongoing [humble, protective] efforts, as an individual, towards the Eternal Success of [heedful] human beings --- for the sheer Love of humans [Fee Sabeelillah]. And this Love [is one of those few precious/ eternal things that will] enter the grave: Money and chicks [etc.] won’t. But then, 99.99% choose to be blind to this [and such Eternal Truths] in this End Times' World ... because ONLY in such an inverted world where scum fill/ usurp/ dominate/ destroy everything everywhere ... that a one-eyed nigger like Dajjal could ever even be deemed a messiah or king! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Featured Human Melody Soundtrack --- “Anta Mawlana: You are my shepherd, Allah!” --- was made with FLS Harmless and DSK Odisea VSTs, and Roland R8 MKII & Alesis HR16/ SR16 samples. The soundtrack track used [under Fair Use] samples from the song “Money for Nothing” by Dire Straits (Album: Brothers in Arms, 1985; Copyright: Vetigo Records and Warner Bros. Records). Video Footage Credits: Why is Jesus not the Messiah for Jews? The Jewish Messiah: Why We Reject Jesus Joyce Meyer | The Reptilian Anointing Rabbi Trump Is An American 'Messiah' 007 Spectre Official Trailer #2 (2015) Daniel Craig James Bond Movie HD SHIELD OF DEMONS not a Jewish star Passion of the Christ (2004 Movie) Also, See: CVeitch admits getting paid 50k a month to control the truth movement (And there are so many critters/ dajjals like this out there today!)

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Documentary - Part 9   Truth VS. Yajuj-Majuj's Suicidal LIES! Dajjal: the FAKE/ Inverted Messiah! Part 9 of [the] Doc...