Friday, 13 July 2018

Documentary - Part 9  

Truth VS. Yajuj-Majuj's Suicidal LIES!

Dajjal: the FAKE/ Inverted Messiah!

Part 9 of [the] Documentary (A/V Book) attempt to retrieve Heavenly Truth from Dajjal's & Yajuj-Majuj's multi-millennia & multi-century cesspit of Infernal Myths/ Lies/ Vanity/ Fantasy! (This draft version will have further chapters [or a full version] in the future.) To recognize and defeat Darkness (viz., Luciferian 'light', as it's called in Yajuj-Majuj's/ Dajjal's inverted world!) ... the Soul must have first have/ uphold Noor from/ of the Qur'an and [both] its [Most Blessed] Giver/ Creator (Subhaanahu wa Ta'Ala) and Bringer/ Communicator/ Explainer/ Implementer/ Embodiment (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam). To recognize the False Messiah Dajjal, one has to first understand the correct definition of what IS a Messiah [as defined/ explained/ illustrated by Allah Subhaana huwa Ta’Ala Himself, in the Qur’an]! Only then can one substantially hope to save themselves and their families [in Faith] from Yajuj Majuj’s [and Jassassa’s] Fasaad/ Fitnah [which is peaking/ culminating as Dajjal’s historically unprecedented Fasaad/ Fitnah]! This episode/ chapter would easily awaken/ assure the genuine and the discerning as to how virtually everything out there in Dajjal's fake world --- including the narratives of those who appear to speak against Dajjal, or defend good Jews, etc.! --- is erroneous, poorly researched, disinfo, half-baked … or even utterly deceptive bullshit! Throughout the history of mankind, all opposition to Anbiyah, Mursaleen [Saleheen, Awliyah-Allah, An’amta Alayhim] … such as the vile Nimrod, Babylonians, Pedos & Sodomites, Pharaoh, SAMIRI, Pharisees, Roman pagans, Qawm-e-Jahiliyyah, Musaylima, etc. … have ALL historically sung the bait of “Money for Nothing and Chicks for Free!” --- not as a critique but as a temptation --- and presented it as the “forbidden fruit of Eden” to the heedless/ shallow/ depraved majority of the time, to dupe/ entice/ confirm them for Eternal Hellfire! … And in today’s End Times’, with the 99.99% following Yajuj-Majuj’s every “Way”/ norm/ rule/ leader/ preacher/ teacher/ false-saviour … expectedly, [Duh!], the tragic outcome awaiting humanity will be as historically unprecedented as Dajjal’s Fitnah! This video exposition, here, is only another chapter of my ongoing [humble, protective] efforts, as an individual, towards the Eternal Success of [heedful] human beings --- for the sheer Love of humans [Fee Sabeelillah]. And this Love [is one of those few precious/ eternal things that will] enter the grave: Money and chicks [etc.] won’t. But then, 99.99% choose to be blind to this [and such Eternal Truths] in this End Times' World ... because ONLY in such an inverted world where scum fill/ usurp/ dominate/ destroy everything everywhere ... that a one-eyed nigger like Dajjal could ever even be deemed a messiah or king! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Featured Human Melody Soundtrack --- “Anta Mawlana: You are my shepherd, Allah!” --- was made with FLS Harmless and DSK Odisea VSTs, and Roland R8 MKII & Alesis HR16/ SR16 samples. The soundtrack track used [under Fair Use] samples from the song “Money for Nothing” by Dire Straits (Album: Brothers in Arms, 1985; Copyright: Vetigo Records and Warner Bros. Records). Video Footage Credits: Why is Jesus not the Messiah for Jews? The Jewish Messiah: Why We Reject Jesus Joyce Meyer | The Reptilian Anointing Rabbi Trump Is An American 'Messiah' 007 Spectre Official Trailer #2 (2015) Daniel Craig James Bond Movie HD SHIELD OF DEMONS not a Jewish star Passion of the Christ (2004 Movie) Also, See: CVeitch admits getting paid 50k a month to control the truth movement (And there are so many critters/ dajjals like this out there today!)

The Three Requisites of Infinite Success!  (And Yajuj Majuj's EternaL Failure!)

The omission of any of the three requisites renders all other quests for True Success futile! Thereto, all attempts [of Yajuj Majuj] to hijack Islam ... WILL remain [as prophesied] futile! Featured Human Melody Track (2:46) --- "Khidr's (A.S.) Audience is Allah (Subhaana huwa Ta'Ala)" --- was made with XLN Audio's AD1, DSK AkoustiK GuitarZ, Super Wave P8, and Korg 01W [and other] soundfonts.

The Greatest Worship/ Best Ibaadah --- ZikrAllah!

Ya Rahman! "Walam yakullahu kufuwan Ahad!" "Ay-yammaa tad'u falaa-ul Asmaa'ul Husna!" "Wa Sami'na wa Ata'na Gufraanaka Rabbanaa wa Ilaykal Maseer!" "Kullu man Alayha faan, wa yabka Wajhu Rabbika Dhul Jalaali wal Ikraam!" "La Ilaha illa anta Subhaanaka, innee kuntu minaz-Zalimeen!" "Rabbighfir warham wa anta Khairur Rahimeen!" "Yaa Arhamar Rahimeen!" "Wa'fu anna Waghfir lana Warhamna ANTA MAWLANAA fa'Ansurna alal qawmil Kafireen [wa qawmiz-Zalimeen/ Mufsideen/ Mushrikeen/ Munafiqeen/ Saahireen/ Massiuniyah/ Shayateen]!" Salaataw-wa Salaamun 'Alaika, Ya RasulAllah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam)! The featured Human Melody Track (1:16) --- "Dhikr in the Rain" --- was made with the free VSTs: Slam, Synth 1, DSK Guitars Nylon, Alchemy. Rain Footage Credit:

Documentary - Part 9   Truth VS. Yajuj-Majuj's Suicidal LIES! Dajjal: the FAKE/ Inverted Messiah! Part 9 of [the] Doc...