Death is as Certain as the Hereafter!
(An Eschatological warning against Dajjal's deception!)
(Published on Youtube on: 24 March 2017)
Most Muslims today grow up [Judaized], being taught [thoughtlessly] that Eed is just a day to be happy! This is just one of a million reasons why “Islam” was made to lose “meaning” in the everyday lives of 99.9% Muslims [who are, consequently, on the thoughtless/ ritualistic/ meaningless/ soulless path of Yajuj Majuj]!
Eed brings ethereal realizations for sincere Mu'minun, e.g. on the exultant contentment, peace [and that sense of attainment] about the “End” of the month-long struggle during Ramadan, which feels like a glimpse of how death would feel at the end of this transient life-struggle in Dunyah, IF one has lived a genuinely heedful/ virtuous/ just/ striving/ vigilant/ pious life. …
As mentioned in Hadeeth, Death (viz., “Husnul Khawateem”) is a most beautiful gift for the True Believer/ Slave of Allah, from Allah’s Presence.
However, for the 99.99% --- the Shayateen (wa jinnaat-e wan naas), the lovers of Dunyah alone, and the heedless/ arrogant rejecters of Truth from Allah --- Death is [and has historically been] the most compellingly/ overpoweringly frightening, paralyzing, agonizing and abhorred reality that annuls their every delusion, falsity, pretence, plot, pomp, and wickedness down to powerless waste --- much as they may conceal it.
Much as the 99.99% “Do what thou wilt” delude themselves :
The arrogant, haasid, vane, fake, cowardly, profane and apathetic/ merciless … will NEVER smell the all-merciful fragrance of Jannah.
The deniers and distorters of THE Truth … will, naturally, NEVER earn the Blissful Truth of Eternity.
The corrupters and persecutors of all that’s good & true … will NEVER escape the damnation of Hell.
Lucifers’/ Dajjal’s/ Jassassa’s/ Shayateen’s plots and guile fail very frequently --- because Allah has Cursed them with perennial frustration!
But as the very nature of Rajeem evil persists in wickedness … DEATH --- the very proof of Creation --- keeps overpowering them with certainty.
Because every single one of the arrogant & remorseless shayateen in “The Pyramid” of evil … will [most certainly] DIE!
Featured Human Melody Track: “DEATH OF OPPRESSORS, MURDERERS, IMPOSTORS & SHAYATEEN” was made with the Free Kontakt 5 Player.
CREDITS: for some of the Images/ image-components go to “”, "Sons of Sunnah", and other online sources as found on google image searches.
The audio for the sounds of Hell were sourced from:
“Tortured Screams” (Just imagine the likes of Gina Haspel in their graves and in Hell!)
“Sounds of Hell” (from Siberia)